Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Poem time

Gotta keep up with my one post every 2 years

Gospel Vaccination
by Dawn

Get your gospel vaccination
And you'll think you are ok
Buffered from the truth HOORAY
Religiosity for the masses
Inoculated from His reality


America's been vaccinated
Discipleship's a chore
When they think, "Jesus, what a bore..."


Preach the gospel to ears who have heard
Again and again and again
Completely inoculated
Never really heard...

Devil's clinic's open
twenty-four and seven
Vaccinations free of charge
To lose your spot in heaven
You'll hear
But never understand
But never truly see

Fall on your face before the Lord
Your One and only Hope
Pray until you receive
The Holy Spirit Antidote

copyright 2001

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The fam in action

Hey one post every 2 years? That's not so bad? Only room for improvement! So, happy back to school! I'm in the process of exiting full time homeschooling for 1/2 time homeschooling? I'm exporting my middle children to a nice little Lutheran school for the sake of the other two. My High schooler is officially starting College Plus Prep! I want to make sure he is on top of his nerdly game!!! Imagine a Bachelor's degree by the time you graduate HS? I LOVE THE IDEA anyway! Time will tell how reality adjusts to fantasy! hehe Happy day to anyone who happens by!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

photo figuring time

ok getting this photo feature figured out have a lovely day!

random ramblings

Well here goes. This life has this nagging tendency to go by soo stinking fast I can hardly believe it. Ok I just gave away my age... I am definitely older than a teen type.. You never hear someone who's 15 sitting in that class that bores them to tears say, "Wow, my life is just going by so fast I can hardly believe I'm 17 already???" Unless of course they are saying that because life indeed is moving faster. Like "warp drive captain..." DANG, I did it again... Date myself, really??? Oh I'd love to go to the thrift store with you, myself and I. NO!!!! Not that kind of date, really.... Will you please get a grip so we can post this??? Sorry, me I will try to get ourself together so we can post this... What was I rambling in my psychotic schizo random style? Oh of course the dating myself with the Star Trek line. Which really, in all honesty, was way before my prime, but I did watch my share of reruns. We had cable when I was a kid. AHH sunrise is gorgeous this morning!!! Crisp fall mornings are supreme!!! God painted a winner this morning. I have to go enjoy this, Happy day! I hope we get to spend more time together!

I might even have something remotely important to say.